
Life is always stressful in Tera Account

Life is always stressful, and it's always there throughout our lives every day. Rarely has life ever been stress free. The cause of stress is people .Banks, governments, relatives, friends, educators, employers all cause stresses, so people cause stress. Most issues are caused by people. Most of the problems in the world are caused by stupid evil and greedy people, and most suffering is unnecessary. Nevertheless, taxes should be low; interest should be illegal; prices of food should be low; petrol should be cheap; the banks should be closed down and the owners thrown in jail; wars should be illegal; the media lying should be illegal and the healthcare should be free. Banks cause more misery in the world than any other organization, and most of the tax paid in most of the countries goes towards paying off national debts to banks. Most countries are in debt and most citizens of most countries are also in debt .Millions of people die in the world every year because of debts to banks .Countries are crippled and are so evil.
   However, the world could not be easily changed.

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